Select your default proctor within the first 2 weeks of the semester. (You can change your selection up to 7 days before each exam starts.)
If you are a distance learning student and your instructor has directed you to take exams at an approved proctored testing facility, select a proctor and submit your selection as directed below. We will coordinate with your chosen proctor so you can access your exam on test day.
Tallahassee-area students are encouraged to select the main campus Testing Center as their proctor as there is no fee for FSU course exams.
Students outside Tallahassee can choose from 700 approved proctoring sites worldwide. Be prepared to pay the facility a fee to test. Fees vary by facility, but financial aid may be used to cover them.
If your instructor allows testing with an online proctoring service, see Using an Online Proctor for instructions.

1. Select a proctor
If your online course requires you take exams with an approved proctored testing facility, review the steps below for when, how, and where to select a proctor.
Locate an off-campus proctor
Use our interactive map to locate a proctor near you.
Select an off-campus proctor
Within the first two weeks of the semester (or first week of summer), use the Select a Proctor button below to select a verified proctor near you (or an online proctor if allowed by your instructor).
Verify proctor information
Be sure to verify all information about the proctor (testing fees, address, email, telephone number, hours, proctor name, required ID, ability to use the required technology, etc.) with the proctor site before you make your selection.
Confirm availability
Make sure the proctor you select is able to administer your exam within the testing window outlined in the syllabus. This is important for the final exam because some testing facilities are closed to outside students during their exam week.
Arrange for accommodations
Students needing test accommodations should be prepared to share an official letter of accommodation with both the instructor and proctored testing facility. If your test is administered online (ie, through Canvas), make sure your instructor has adjusted their test settings for you (eg, increasing the exam duration). If you need an accommodation other than extra time, check with your proctor ahead of time to make sure they can provide the necessary accommodations. Visit Need Accommodations? for more information.
Know what to do if you can't find a proctor
If you are unable to locate a verified proctor near you, you'll need to find an alternate proctor site and have that site approved by the Office of Digital Learning Assessment & Testing staff. See the Can't Find a Proctor? page for information on requesting an alternate proctor.

2. Schedule and pay for your exam
Schedule your exam date and time with the proctor well before the testing window provided by your instructor.
Schedule directly with your proctor
Schedule your exam date and time directly with your selected proctor before the testing window provided by your instructor. Don't use the FSU Testing Center's exam registration system as it is only for appointments in the main campus Testing Center, not for appointments at an off-campus proctoring site.
Verify and pay fees
Be prepared to pay fees set by the proctoring facility. Fees vary depending on the facility, and some facilities charge an additional fee for appointments made less than 24 hours in advance of an exam. Contact your selected proctor for their current fees and requirements.
Know your proctor's policies
Make sure you are aware of the proctor's policies and procedures, including their cell phone policy. Many facilities prohibit the use of a mobile phone, which is the primary device students use for the two-factor authentication (2FA) required by FSU to log into Canvas remotely. If this is the case, you will not be able to access your exam unless you have arranged for a 2FA bypass token ahead of time.
Follow these steps if cell phones aren't allowed
- Contact the testing facility well ahead of exam day to determine its mobile device policy and let staff know your university requires 2FA to access your exam.
- A few days before your exam, contact ITS to request a 2FA bypass code. The agent will ask for your phone number to speak with you directly or to schedule a Zoom meeting to verify your identity and registered device. Once verified, the agent will provide a one-time bypass code you can use to log into the testing computer at the remote proctoring site.
- Your bypass code will be valid for 14 days from the date it is issued. Be sure to keep your code secure in case you experience technical issues that interrupt your exam and require you to log in again.
- You may want to write the bypass code on a piece of paper and make sure the proctor knows you need to bring it inside the testing room so you can access your exam. The paper can be discarded after you have successfully submitted your test and logged out of your Canvas account.

3. Prepare for check-in
Before test day, make sure you arrange for accommodations, bring all required materials, and follow policies for testing behavior as set by FSU and your selected proctor.
Bring required items
Bring one of the following current, valid, and recognizable photo IDs: FSU student ID, state-issued driver's license, or government-issued photo ID (eg, passport). Don't forget to also bring items required by your proctor or instructor.
Follow required policies
Abide by the FSU Academic Honor Policy as well as any policies required by the chosen testing site.