Form Scanning

Whether you're affiliated with the university or part of the larger Tallahassee community, we provide optical mark scanning services to convert paper-based, multiple-choice exams and surveys into reliable, usable data. FSU instructors can order forms, see scores, and view and download test data via our online system. Non-FSU customers can provide a flash drive to save the job data and reports and can also request printed reports.

Form Ordering & Fees

We offer 5-, 10-, and 99-option generic, mark-sense forms:

  • 5-option @ 240 questions
  • 10-option @ 120 questions
  • 99-option @ 92 questions

To place a form order, call 850-644-3017 or order online with your FSU credentials via our online Job Tracking System (JTS). 

Form Fees for FSU Courses and Non-funded Research

Generic forms and scanning are offered free of charge for FSU faculty and graduate students teaching courses or conducting non-funded research.

Form Fees for Funded FSU Research and External Clients

Funded FSU projects and external clients pay the following (rates subject to change):
  • Form purchase, per form (5, 10, or 99 option) - $ 0.13
  • Scanning of standard forms, per form - $ 0.45
  • Electronic reports* - $ 0.00
  • Paper reports - $ 0.00

*Customer must provide storage device (USB drive).

Data Security & Confidentiality

Data files are regularly checked for errors and problems, and jobs are tracked and recorded in our system. To ensure confidentiality, only trained scanning personnel handle materials in a secure, restricted-access environment. We never adjust, delete, or modify information on a key. To maintain the integrity of your scan job, please make sure all information is accurate before requesting scanning, and never include a hard copy of the paper test.

Form Drop-off

Form Drop-off & Pick-up:

University Center C, Suite 2200
8:30 am to 5:00 pm Monday-Friday

Instructors (or their designated runners) can deliver scanning jobs to our administrative offices located in the FSU stadium, one floor above the Testing Center. Scanning clients with a valid FSU parking permit may park in one of the three, 20-minute loading zones (yellow-lined spaces labeled "Loading Zone") in front of the Testing Center. Visitor parking is available for all other guests at a nominal, hourly rate. Please note that you are responsible for obtaining the necessary permit and paying all parking fees. See Parking on Campus for more information. 

  • Scanning jobs typically process in one business day, and we will email you when results are ready.
  • FSU instructors can view scanning reports and data online.
  • Other clients can request printed reports and/or provide a flash drive to save their report and data.

Form Pick-up

Though you're under no obligation to retrieve your scanned forms, you are welcome to contact us and set a time to pick them up. Forms that are not picked up are stored for one year and then shredded.

  • To pick up scanned forms, please email and let us know when you would like to arrive for pickup.
  • Be sure to bring the correct identification: FSU instructors and designated runners must present an FSU ID to pick up a scan job. A government-issued ID is acceptable for external clients.

Test Analysis, Form Viewing & Reporting (FSU Clients Only)

FSU instructors using our services can log into the Job Tracking System (JTS) via the web to see test results, item analysis, forms, and reports. Answer keys can be changed and reports re-generated through the JTS. We offer the following data and reports:

Item Analysis

Identifies suspicious test items that require additional analysis. Faulty test items can be miskeys, ambiguously written, or can indicate problems in teaching and learning of the topic. For more information, the Item Analysis Techniques presentation and Item Analysis Samples offer tips on using item analysis results.

Summary of Item Analysis

Provides percentages and frequency counts for all test items, including a count of omissions. Also includes a "Summary of Item Difficulty" that can help you analyze the overall difficulty of the exam and how well each item discriminates between high- and low-performing students.

Summary of Student Test Results

Contains a list (sorted top down) of the raw scores, the percentage scores, and the percentage of students who achieved each particular score. Also includes a bar chart showing the number of students who achieved each score, which illustrates the distribution of scores.

Listing of Student Test Results

Contains an alphabetic list of students with their percentage score as well as the percentage of students who scored below their score, omitted items, a multiple response count, and the form sequence number.

Listing of Student Scores for Posting

Lists the results by the last five digits of the student ID. The student ID must be completed in the appropriate section of the form.

Student Feedback with Correct Answers

Lists the items each student missed with the correct answers; grouped by student name.

Student Feedback without Correct Answers

Lists the items each student missed without indicating which option was the correct answer; grouped by student name.

Response Frequency Report (Surveys Only)

Lists the frequency count and percentage of responses for each survey item, along with the median, inter-quartile range, mean, and standard deviation for each item.

Data Transfer & Electronic Reports

Download data from our system in comma-separated value (*csv) format, which imports conveniently into Excel, SPSS, and similar software applications. Reports can be downloaded from the system in portable document format (PDF).