What is a proctored exam, and why is my instructor requiring one?
A proctored exam is a test that is overseen by an impartial individual (a proctor) who monitors a student during an exam. Your instructor may require you to test with an approved proctor or proctor facility as a way of ensuring the security and integrity of the exam. Before taking any proctored exam, we encourage you to review FSU's Academic Honor Policy.

What is an approved, off-campus proctor?
An approved, off-campus proctor is an individual or facility reviewed and approved by FSU to proctor exams for distance learning students who can't easily access the main campus Testing Center. Off-campus proctors are responsible for making sure your exam is available to you at the scheduled time, all necessary technology is available and working, your identity is verified, institutional and instructor policies are followed during the exam, and any exam materials are securely stored.

What do I need to do to test with an off-campus proctor?
As a student, you are responsible for selecting a proctor, notifying us of your selection within the required time frame, confirming your proctor's availability and policies, scheduling your exam with your proctor, and paying your proctor any associated fees. See Selecting a Proctor for details.

What if I can't find an approved proctor near me?
If you are unable to locate an approved proctor near you, we recommend emailing testing@fsu.edu for assistance. You may also submit a request for us to add a proctor or proctored testing facility to the approved proctor list by submitting an Alternate Proctor Request. Please note you will not be able to test with a proctor until we have screened and verified the proctor and the proctor has signed an agreement with us.

What happens after I submit an alternate proctor request?
You will receive an email confirmation on proctor approvals. If not received by the third week of the term, notify testing@fsu.edu to verify the request was received. It is important that you examine the email carefully as it contains instructions on making arrangements for taking exams.

Can I change my proctor?
Yes. You can change or add proctors if necessary. Keep in mind that the process must be completed at least 7 days before the exam window begins to avoid delays transferring your exam information from FSU to your selected proctor. Visit your Proctor Selection page to make changes now.

Does financial aid apply to proctored testing fees?
Yes! Because proctored testing fees are considered an educationally related expense, students may use financial aid toward their fees, just as they would toward books and supplies.

How do I access my exam at a remote proctor site?
We provide your proctor with a password to access your exam and additional information (eg, allowed and disallowed exam aids) ahead of time. To begin your exam, log into Canvas and navigate to your course exam link. Your proctor will enter the password we provided so you can begin your test. If you're taking a paper-based exam, your proctor will provide you with your exam once you are checked in at the facility. Please note you may not leave a testing site with an exam or any exam materials.